Using data from a dozen representative and rare poetry journals to visualize and debate the schools of poetry in Allen’s noted anthology, The New American Poetry: 1945-1960.

About the Project

Networking the New American Poetry

Drawing on the impressive holdings of the Raymond Danowski Poetry Library at Emory University, Schooling Donald Allen uses data from a dozen midcentury poetry journals to visualize and debate the schools of poetry established by Allen’s noted anthology The New American Poetry: 1945-1960. The results complicate and challenge some key narratives and assumptions of postwar literary history.

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Browse the Journals

Explore complete runs of iconic and rare postwar poetry journals

From New York to Los Angeles, the Beats to Black Mountain poets, the project includes some of the most important poetry publications of the twentieth century.

Browse the Journals

Meet the Authors

Track authors, editors and translators

Schooling Donald Allen collects publication data on over 750 different authors, editors, and translators featured in a robust sample of rare and influential magazines. The results allow unprecedented insight into who was publishing where, with whom, and when.

Meet The Authors

View the Connections

Visualize the Relationships

Investigate network graphs that visualize the relationships among the authors, editors, translators, and the journals they contributed to, and compare how the print communities measure against the familiar poetic schools.

View the Graphs